Siasar Honduras
Noticias PT-BR

RWSN Img Indonesia

Why self supply solutions are needed to reach SDG 6.1

This year we are celebrating 30 years since the RWSN would not be what it is today without the contributions and tireless efforts of many our members, organisations and people. As part of RWSN’s 30th anniversary celebration, we are running a blog series, inviting our friends and experts in the sector to share their thoughts and experiences in the rural water sector.

Últimas notícias

Nesta seção destacamos notícias sobre o setor de água e saneamento, focalizando conteúdos e assuntos atuais nas áreas rurais.

Conheça a realidade do setor e mantenha-se atualizado com as novidades da SIASAR no país.

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